Feedback and Suggestions

We want your feedback! In the interest of fostering community engagement and transparency – we’ve added a place to send in comments, questions, and input for your City staff.  [email protected]
We’re enhancing:

  • Accessibility: providing you with a direct channel to voice questions, concerns, or feedback.
  • Transparency: a visible avenue for communication, we’re demonstrating our commitment to transparency and accountability.
  • Feedback Loop: creates a feedback loop, allowing the City to gain valuable insights from residents, which in turn can inform decision-making and improve service delivery.
  • Community Engagement: Encourages citizen participation in civic affairs.
  • Prompt Response: Our Communications Director will manage this process, and delegate specific requests to the necessary departments and staff. We will work hard to deliver prompt responses to inquiries within 48 hours as we want to address citizen concerns, in turn enhancing trust and satisfaction with government services.